User Permissions Report
What is a User Permissions Report?
See all effective NTFS permissions of a specific Active Directory user in the complete folder hierarchy.
Is it a direct assignment of the user or does the user inherits his assignment by a specific group and what group was the originating group.

How To Generate the User Permissions Report
First click on
User Permissions Report
on theHome Screen
to start the wizard.

Then select any folder from the
Folders View
.Btw, you can add UNC paths to the
Folders View
input box! No need to map them to a drive letter.

Then select a user from the
Users & Groups View
(Active Directory Browser).Click
to generate the User Permissions Report.

Optional: Configure the User Permissions Report - Permission Set
There is no need to deal with the native Windows Access Control Entries (ACE).
Our NTFS permissions reporter offers you the ability to make these names more meaningful.
Configure your own permission set names. We ship a pre-configured list of translated items for you.

Last updated